
Music brings joy to our lives and nurtures our minds, senses, and relationships 🤗

That’s why we created Solfeg.io - a moment in everyday life where you can actually switch-off and focus on music by learning and playing songs.
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We believe that learning music is essential for everyone

In 2017, we brought the best talent in technology, music production, education, and consumer experience together to embark on an ambitious goal: to promote and advance general music at all levels of education, both in the classroom and beyond. Given this fact, we made it our mission to bring digital music technology into people's lives in a more accessible, affordable, and efficient way.

Now, we are happy to have 20,000+ schools and thousands of students and individuals using our technology. But most of all, we are grateful to have chosen such a wonderful industry to work with.

Our values

We, as a team like to follow a set of guiding principles that help us work toward a common goal
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We combine theory with practical, creative, and collaborative methods to make learning and teaching exhilarating
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We have our fingers on the pulse for the latest innovations, technology, and cultural trends to stay relevant
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Everything we create starts with you. Your ideas and feedback are what makes Solfeg.io - Solfeg.io

Meet with our team 🏀

Striving to deliver the best learning experience
Toms Gāle
CEO & Founder
Management, Performance marketing & Product design
PhD Candidate in Music Education, Music teacher
Marketing Director
Brand building & Business development
Full Stack developer working on web and mobile
Product Manager
Creative director & Educational Product manager
Operations lead & Manager of Content production
Full Stack developer working on web and mobile
Video engineer
Producer for most of the visual content and media
JJ Lush
Sound Engineer
Producer and Arranger for songs with beats
Sound Engineer
Producer and Arranger for songs with guitars
Content producer
Producer for Educational classes and tutorials
Content producer
Producer for Educational classes and tutorials

Backed by EU

SIA Solfegio (reģ. nr. 40203060042) realizē projektu Nr.JU-PI-2021/52 saskaņā ar Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu “Tehnoloģijas pārneses programma” (projekta identifikācijas numurs 1.2.12/16/1/001) jaunuzņēmumu darbības atbalsta likuma programmā augsti kvalificētu darba ņēmēju piesaistei, lai būtiski uzlabotu produktu ar jaunu funkciju pievienošanu, kā arī lietojamības un ērtuma uzlabošanu.

SIA Solfegio ir noslēdzis 26.09.2017 līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2017/481 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.

Join our team and mission co

Product trusted by 20k+ teachers
Building a positive habit for students
Raised $1M+ in investments
MacBook mockupiPhone mockup